Here I am on the platform that over looks the oldest tree in Utah. Have you ever thought about the importance of your health as you age and how to maintain or improve your well being?
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People ask me if there is anything they can take to help control their weight, blood sugar levels and improve their energy. My answer to them is a big YES! If you are interested – have a look – and follow the link above.
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Follow the directions in the link above, and I’ll show you how the – $500 dollar Car Bonus – is one of the best in the industry ( now one else can make this offer ).

Before I walked up onto the platform to take this picture, I was caught off guard by the sound of what I thought was 2 or 3 rattlesnakes at the same time. Low and behold it was only one! I named him Big AL.

I followed Big AL up the side of the mountain so I could get a better shot and measure him up against something I could compare. This is an example of the Western Great Basin Rattlesnake. The locals refer to them as “Timber Rattlers”.

Here I am at Big Springs in Island Park. This particular photo was taken while I was being a snowmobile tour guide on our way to West Yellowstone. This is a watering hole for moose and other wild animals. Behind me is a cabin built for a trapper back in the late 1800’s.

Here I am at Naomi Peak. Elevation 9,820 ft. It’s best to stay here and wave at the camera because if I stand on the top of the peak, there is a 30 ft. cliff to the west and a 50 ft. cliff to the north. No need to take a wrong step and fall off of one of the edges.

Here I am making a launch from Logan Peak. The locals refer to it as Mt. Logan. The locals refer to it as Mt. Logan. The peak itself is at 9,723 ft. I launch just south of the peak above the trees. The glider is a Delta Wing “Streak 160” and I was in the air for just over 2 hours before heading home and landing.

Flying over the top of Logan Peak so the person taking the photo can get a view of the under surface of the glider. A simple black – red – white color scheme.

I have been an Amateur Radio Operator since 1970. (I am being obnoxious here wearing my Krispy Kreme hat.) When conditions are good, I can talk to people Europe, South America, Asia, Canada, Russia and rare remote areas of the world. Here I am talking to an operator at The McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Believe it or not, the Vatican in Rome Italy has an amateur radio station that comes on every now and then. Boy do they get a lot of people trying to make contact!

This particular photo shows me launching my “Magic Kiss” just below the top of Commodore Peak. This hot spot is located in the Oquirrh Mountain range up above the Tooele Valley (actually closer to the city of Stockton). I had no idea that this picture would turn out so good. It was a fun surprise when someone gave me the magazine!

One of my friends is a pilot for the Medi-Vac helicopter companies. Life Flight is the most popular, but there are others. When there is an emergency, these guys get the call and rescue those who are in need of a quick evacuation or in need of medical attention.
Remember … if you are looking for a way to create a 2nd income, go to the top of this page and click on “About Me”. At the bottom of the page and below the home living room is a link to click.
Thanks for stopping by!
More to follow: